No one plans on getting injured at work. On the contrary, workplaces prefer to keep their employees safe on the job to avoid lost time. But injuries do happen, and some of them can be painful and have long-lasting effects on your health. Workplace injuries aren’t just bad for business. Severe injuries may affect you… Read more »
Issues Labor Unions Face in 2021
With renewed attention placed on growing job losses and an expanding wealth gap between the upper, middle and lower classes, the power labor unions hold is back in the spotlight. As public support for unions increases, 2021 could be a turning point for workers. Though it’s still too soon to tell what the future holds,… Read more »
Can I Be Fired For Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim?
If you’ve been hurt at work and are now in fear of losing your job because you’re trying to get the benefits you need, you’re not alone. But, you do have legal recourse for getting the compensation you deserve and keeping your job. We understand that you may fear retaliation from your employer, but there… Read more »
How Do Knee Injuries Happen at Work?
We use our knees all day when we walk, kneel, crawl, and lift. In some jobs, like flooring and construction, this involves putting a lot of weight on your knees for many hours in the day. Your knee consists of joints, ligaments, cartilage, and bursa. These components can become injured if your job requires constant… Read more »
What are the types of back injuries that can occur on a job?
Back injuries are often debilitating and can happen when you least expect it if you aren’t careful. You may know a friend who has told you they sneezed wrong and doing so caused them to blow their back out. Of course, those instances stem from larger issues, but back problems can halt your daily routines… Read more »
9 Tips for Making Sure Your Workman’s Comp Gets Paid
If you have a work injury, the consequences can be devastating. And it is difficult to guess anything that might happen, how bad your injury will get in the long run, and if you’ll ever be able to work again. Decades from now, the damage could still be affecting you. Because of this, it’s absolutely… Read more »
What You Need to Know About Collective Bargaining in Minnesota
Minnesota is not a “right to work” state. State legislation allows for collective bargaining on behalf of employees by a union representative. The only requirement is that the employees covered are members of the union and pay dues. This legislation applies to both public and private employers. Workers have the right to form a union… Read more »
When Should I File a Workplace Injury Claim? Deadlines You Need to Know
Work is hard, and we all have bills to pay. Anything that does stop us from working costs us money and time we would be using to make money. Yet, as terrible as accidents can be, according to a study by the National Safety Council in 2020, the U.S. experienced a workplace injury roughly every… Read more »
What Are Union Carve-Outs?
You may be wondering what rights you as a worker have regarding an occupational injury. Truthfully, the process you will need to follow to obtain medical treatment is somewhat determined by whether or not you are part of a union. If you are part of a union, it is very likely you belong to one… Read more »
What’s Happening With on-the-Job Injuries and COVID-19?
With the pandemic racing across the US at such a high pace, everyone with a job is wondering the same thing: what happens if I contract COVID-19 on the job? From the loss of wages to the healthcare expenses, it is a valid concern for everyone who not only works with the general public but… Read more »